B2B Service Description Pages: Persuasive 13-Point Checklist

B2B service description page buckets

Do your B2B service description pages simply describe your services?


Or do they persuade people to take the next step you want them to take?


Here’s a checklist with all the components your B2B service description page needs

Each component is designed to move your B2B consulting audience to the next step in your sales cycle.

✔ The biggest problem facing your audience

✔ The consequences of that problem

✔ The solution your customer is seeking

✔ Your solution (summary)

✔ Features/benefits

✔ Curious bullet points

✔ Objections to buying your service

✔ Overturning those objections

✔ Risks in buying your service

✔ Overturning those risks

✔ Promises/guarantees

✔ Uniqueness (described in one word)

✔ 4-step compelling call to action

Describe or persuade?

Which bucket do your service pages fall into?

Need a hand writing your B2B service description pages?

Contact me for a free, 60-minute discovery call and writing demo.