Re-Engineer Your B2B Content Writing Process in Minutes (to Crush Writer’s Block)

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If you think pouring a bottle of wine without dripping is hard, you should try inventing the first drip-free wine bottle.

Scientist Daniel Perlman at Brandeis University was on a mission to invent just that: a drip-free wine bottle.

For three years, Perlman studied how wine pours out of a bottle.

As you can imagine, that involved watching a lot of videos of wine being poured out of a lot of bottles.

But Daniel had a problem

He didn’t want to create an inconvenient, costly accessory that consumers had to attach to the bottle. Perlman wanted to re-engineer the wine bottle itself.

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It turns out glass attracts watery substances like wine, which is why wine drips down the bottle.

Perlman’s solution?

A groove under the lip of the bottle to stop the dripping.

The result?

The wine pours straight into the glass without losing a single drop.

But don’t hold your breath to see these bottles anytime soon

The wine bottle design hasn’t changed since the early 19th century.

It took endless hours analyzing wine bottles to understand the problem.

But, in the end, Daniel re-engineered the wine bottle.

If you have writer’s block, you can re-engineer your writing process to conquer your block

But unlike Perlman, you don't have endless hours. You have to beat writer’s block now.

So how do you quickly beat writer’s block? By freewriting.

Freewriting is spontaneous, fast-paced writing to quickly generate new ideas

Here’s how to start freewriting:

  1. Set a timer for 10 minutes.

  2. Write continuously for 10 minutes—as fast as you can—without stopping. Do NOT stop writing.

  3. Write about anything that comes into your mind, even it’s “nothing.” Write about nothing!

At the end of 10 minutes, you'll generate ideas out of thin air.

Imagine that. You came up with new ideas in minutes.

Not three years, like Perlman. 😀