How to Enter a Time-Free Writing Zone (to Boost Your Writing Output)


Can time be eliminated?

Yes, says one tiny island community.

Sommaroy, a Norwegian island, is a fishing village with 350 residents.

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The idea to eliminate time is the brainchild of resident Kjell Ove Hveding.

The islanders want to abolish time so they can do what they want, when they want.

But can a time-free zone work?

Can a community operate without time?

Opponents say no.

Proponents say the residents have been “timeless” for generations.

In May 2019, the islanders submitted a petition to the Norwegian parliament to debate the idea.

Time will tell the answer.

Island visitors participate in a unique ritual: They attach their watches to the bridge that leads to the island, symbolizing that they are entering a time-free zone.

As a B2B business owner or consultant, can you enter a time-free zone to write more productively?

Do you have a ritual that symbolizes you’re entering a time-free zone?

Here are my two favorite rituals to escape time:

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1. Pomodoro timer

Use a timer to escape time?


It’s counterintuitive but it works.

The timer focuses my attention into a laser-like beam for 25-minute bursts.

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2. Ambient music

I fancy Brian Eno’s music.

His music heightens the focus brought about by the timer.

When writing, how do you enter a time-free zone?

Writing tipsThomas Clifford