How to Turn Features into Customer-Focused B2B Copy (Like a Magician)

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I love watching David Blaine dazzle audiences with his card tricks.

They look so easy to do, yet they have a powerful effect.

I've learned some cool B2B copywriting tricks that also are easy yet have a powerful effect.

And the best part?

You don’t have to be a magician to use these B2B copywriting tricks

One of the biggest struggles I see when working with clients is how to turn experience/skills/features into customer-focused copy.


Let’s look at a few of my features and let’s turn them into benefits for the customer, OK?

1) "I don’t use jargon in my copy” turns into . . .

“Your projects will receive clear, concise, and jargon-free copy.”

2) "I’ve interviewed 1,600 content experts" turns into . . .

“Working with a seasoned interviewer of 1,600 content experts, you can feel confident that your content will be captured without any hiccups.”

3) “I rarely rewrite copy” turns into . . .

“You won't have to rewrite the copy you receive from me, so you can write and publish more awesome content, more frequently.”

See what happened?

I turned “I do this” into “You’ll get this”

The copy is now customer focused, not self-centered.

Pretty cool, right?

It’s magic. 🙂