How to Beat the Death Zone (when Writing B2B Marketing Content)


Every mountaineer fears the death zone.

And for good reason.

The death zone, at 26,000 feet, is so named because it doesn’t have enough oxygen to sustain human life for very long.

On Mount Everest, the death zone is near the summit

Every climbing season, there are 10-12 good weather days to reach the summit.

This small window of opportunity compels crowds of climbers to attempt the summit quickly¬—forcing them to wait in the death zone until the ones before them come down.


If you wait too long in the zone (the time you’ll spend reaching the summit will exceed your safety limit), you will die.

To reach the summit successfully, mountaineers must minimize their time in the death zone.

B2B marketing writers need to minimize their time in the death zone, too

What is that death zone?

That small window of opportunity called “inspiration.”

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Waiting for inspiration forces you into the death zone—accomplishing little.

So how do you beat the death zone?

You develop a proven, repeatable writing system.

A writing system gives you guidance to sustain your marketing efforts for extended periods—beating the death zone.

Hey, you may never climb Mount Everest.

But at least you can reach the peak of your writing potential, right? 🙂