How to Prepare to Write Your B2B Content (Hat Tip to Rush's Neil Peart)

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For more than 40 years, Rush drummer Neil Peart was the backbone of Canada’s progressive rock band.

How did he remain the backbone for so long?

Before every gig, Neil prepared for the show by practicing his drumming for 30 uninterrupted minutes.


It’s this little bit of preparation that gave Neil the confidence to hit the stage and play in front of 30,000 eager fans.

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This factor of preparation can also give you the confidence to write B2B content expertly

When we start writing, we often don’t prepare what we’re going to write about.

We don’t use the outlining, so we don’t feel confident as a writer.

We just set about writing (and keep deleting what doesn’t work).

So how do you prepare for writing?

By outlining.

The best way to outline is to ask the questions your audience would ask you about your topic

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And then you answer those questions.

If you’re not sure what questions to answer, email or call someone and have them ask you a series of questions about your topic.

Using outlines is one of the fastest ways to write.

You may not be performing for 30,000 fans . . .

But you can prepare to become a confident writer by outlining first, right?

Writing tipsThomas Clifford